Can I create a QR code for external signers to view and sign a form?

This article will summarize a how you can create and share a QR code/URL for any external signer to view and sign a form.

This functionality can be done on both the;

This feature does require you to have the Enable Public Signing company setting on.

My Account Details>pencil button beside Company Details > toggle on Enable Public Signing. 

This feature can be toggled on at anytime and it will apply to any QR codes that are already created.

As long as someone has access to the form through either a link or QR code, they will have access to sign and download the form. If you have sensitive information on your forms, it is advised you ensure unwanted outside parties do not have access to the QR code or link. The QR code created will only be valid for 30 days after creation.


  1. Navigate to the All Forms page
  2. Click on the form you wish to share
  3. Click the Actions button
  4. Select Generate Public Access Url
  5. Save the generated QR Code or copy the URL

Corfix app

  1. Navigate to the Form page
  2. Click on the form you wish to share
  3. Click the Share button
  4. Select Share Via QR Code
  5. Save the generated QR Code or copy the URL.