How do I copy a previous form? (Admin)

This article will show you how to copy a previous form.

In order to be able to copy previous Forms, you must have the setting turned on inside your Template. In your Template go to 'Show Options' at the top right to toggle this setting on, toggle on "Can be Copied".


Copying a form on the admin:

Step 1: Click on the "Forms" dropdown from the left side menu and click "All Forms"

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Step 2: Click on the form that you would like to duplicate/copy

Step 3: Click the 'Actions' dropdown at the top of the page

Step 4: Click 'Create a Copy of Form' from the Actions dropdown and the copy of your form will appear

Copying a form on the Corfix app:

Step 1: Select Project


Step 2: Select Template, "Copy Previous Form" will show up if the template is set up to do so, select Copy Previous Form.


Step 3: Fill out the form, at least one edit is needed for you to proceed. You will receive the below error message if no edit is made.



Note: At least 1 edit needs to be made on the form in order to finalize it.