How do I edit an existing form?

This article will summarize how to edit an existing Form.

You can edit an existing form to correct mistakes or to add additional information that may have been missing.

Editing a form is only an Admin feature, it is not supported on the Corfix mobile app.

Here are the steps to edit a form.

1. Go to the All Forms Page

2. Select the Form you want to edit.

3. Select the "Actions" button.

4. Select "Edit Submission"

5. Make your edits.

6. Push Save.

Once Save is selected all the Workers that have signed off on the form will be notified letting them know a form they have signed has been modified. They will NOT be required to re sign the form.

Your edit will not be time stamped, however you can use the Add Note option in the Actions dropdown to add additional context and information on the change made. The note will be timestamped, the person's name will be attached and the note will show at the bottom of the form in a red/yellow dotted box.