This article will summarize how you can set up a reviewal process for your forms.
This setting is configured by template and is found under the Show Options button in the template builder.
Require Final Review
This setting will allow you to add one more state into the forms process. When this is toggled on, and a form is filled out and signed by all workers, the form will go into a "Pending Review" State on the All Forms page.
You will then be able to review a the Form through the Desktop version of Corfix, if you are set up to be a reviewer.
Setting up Reviewers
Once the Require Final Review is toggled on, you can set up who can mark these forms as reviewed.
Marking a Form as Reviewed
You can mark a form as reviewed through the Form Details page once you have a form that is in the Pending Review state.
Select Template name>Select Choose Actions? Select Mark as Reviewed
The system will not mark the Reviewed down on the final form, it is best to leave a Note through "Add Note" confirming that the review was made by yourself. The note will be date and time stamped.