How do I add an Asset?

This article will show you how to add new Assets.

Follow these steps to add an Asset:

Step 1: Click on the "Resources" dropdown from the left side menu and click "Assets"

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 2.48.08 PM

Step 2: Click "Add" in the top right. The "Asset Summary" screen (pictured further below) will appear, where you can enter all of the Asset information.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 2.49.45 PM

Step 3: Populate all in required Asset information into the screen below. 

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 3.05.46 PM

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 3.04.48 PM

Please note, the following are available asset fields:

Asset Summary

  • Asset name
  • Asset State
  • Asset Type
  • Asset: Assigned To
  • Asset: Managed By
  • Asset: Project 
  • Asset: Location

Asset Details

  • Asset: Quantity
  • Asset: Brand
  • Asset: Model
  • Asset: Serial Number/VIN
  • Asset: Hours of Use/Mileage
  • Asset: Purchase Date
  • Asset: Purchase Price
  • Asset: Registration Number
  • Asset: Warranty Expiry Date
  • Asset: Notes
  • Asset: Photos


Keep in mind that you can select the assigned Project for the specified Asset while creating / editing the asset, and you can also assign the Project from the Asset table show below:

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