How do I integrate Corfix with Procore?

This article will summarize how you can integrate your Procore and Corfix accounts.


The Procore integration is best suited for a new Corfix account with no information in it. If you are a current Corfix user with existing Projects/Workers and want to take advantage of the integration, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for further assistance.


Push from Procore to Corfix

Procore Corfix
Projects                                                           Projects
Users                                               Workers

Push from Corfix to Procore

Corfix Procore
Forms Forms


For more in-depth mapping please follow the links below:

Projects Mapping

User Mappings

Forms Mapping

Setting up Procore

The user starting the integration must have the following done as a prerequisite;

  • All Project permissions in Procore, more info here.
  • Procore Company ID, more info here.
  • Install Corfix Custom Procore app. More info here.

Integration steps in Corfix

1. Go to My Account Details.

2. Select the "Add" button to the right of Integrations.

3. Select Procore.

4. Paste your Company ID.

5. Toggle on your preferred syncs.

Sync Employees Only

Within Procore you can specify which users are employees. Enabling with will only sync those users that are marked as employees.

Automatically Activate Workers

When a user is synced to Corfix it can either be created in the Pending Activation state or they can be automatically activated. Enable this to have synced users automatically activated.

The suggestion is to have this off during initial config and potentially turning it on afterwards.

Sync Forms to Procore

This enables forms to be synced from Corfix to Procore. Forms will not sync if this is disabled.

During initial sync;

  • Procore Users that are active in Procore will be created in Corfix.
  • If Sync Employees Only is enabled only those workers will be created.
  • If Automatically Activate Workers is enabled then workers will automatically be activated.
  • Procore Projects that map to the Active or Upcoming state will be created in Corfix.

6. Push "Connect" when ready!

Once you have completed the integration you will need to make sure that you have the correct permissions toggled on for the Procore user that sets up the integration. 



Mappings for integration


Projects (From Procore)

Procore Field Corfix Field
Name Name
Project Number Project Number
Description Private Description
Public Notes Public Info
Address Street Address
City City
Country Country
State State
Zip Zip
State State
  • If a project in Procore and an existing Project in Corfix have the same project number the project will not be synced
  • If a project in Procore doesn't have a number and its name matches an existing project in Corfix the project will not be synced
  • Project templates are not synced from Procore.
Active  If the project is active in Procore, its Corfix status will be "Active".

Upcoming  If the project is not active in Procore and has a start date in the future then, its Corfix status will be "Upcoming".

Completed  If the project is not active in Procore and has a start date in the past, its Corfix status will be "Completed".

If a project does not exist in Corfix and is deemed completed it will not be created in Corfix.

Users (From Procore)

Procore Field Corfix Field
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Mobile Phone Phone Number
Business Phone Phone Number (fall back if there is no Mobile Phone).
Employee ID Employee Number
Email Address Email
  • If a user in Procore and an existing user in Corfix have the same email them the user will not be synced.
  • The Corfix service account will not be synced.

Active If a user is active in Procore then they are considered active in Corfix (pending email verification, activated, kiosk activated).

Blocked If a user is in inactive in Procore then they are considered blocked in Corfix.

If they were never activated (pending account activation) then they will stay in that state. They will NOT be moved to a blocked state.

If a user does not exist in Corfix and is deemed inactive then they will not be created in Corfix.

Sync Employees Only

  • If a user is enabled as an employee in Procore and is active they will be created in Corfix.
  • If a user is removed as an employee in Procore, they will be blocked in Corfix automatically.

Form syncing (From Corfix)

Procore Field Corfix Field
Project Documents Forms
  • Form PDFs are sent to Procore when they are completed.
  • Forms are put into the Documents section of Procore.
  • A folder named Corfix Forms is created in the Projects Documents section.
  • This folder can have anything appended to its name eg. (06 Corfix Forms).
  • Folders will be created for every month within the Corfix Forms folder with the YYYY-MM format.
  • Forms will be created in the month folders with the format TEMPLATE_NAME YYYY-MM-DD.
  • If there is a name collision Procore handles it by incrementing the forms.
  • If the form is updated in Corfix (added signature / submission edited) it will be updated in Procore.