Why do I already have Reports in my profile?

This article will outline the default Forms in your account.

We have populated your account with the most frequently used Reports based on past data. This makes Corfix much easier to pick up and use right out of the gate!

Your account will include the following reports:
  • Today’s Forms by Completion: This allows for you to report on Forms completed for the current day.
  • Certifications Expiring in 30 Days Report: This Report will give you a quick view into certifications that will be expiring in the next 30 days.
  • Projects Report: This Report will break down your Completed vs Active Projects.
  • Form Completion by Project Report: This Report will detail complete/incomplete Forms broken down by Project.
  • Form Completion By Sender Report: This Report will detail complete/incomplete Forms organized by sender.
  • Incomplete Tasks by Project Report: This Report will detail all incomplete Tasks within all Projects.
  • Incomplete Tasks By Worker Report: This Report will give an overview of incomplete Tasks for all workers.
  • Project Notes By Project Report: This Report will show the number of Project notes attached to each Project.
  • Project Notes By Worker Report: This Report will show the number of Project notes attached to each Worker.