How do I add a worker?

This article will show you how to add new workers.

Follow these steps to add a worker:

Step 1: Click on the "Resources" dropdown from the left side menu and click "Workers"

Screen Shot 2023-07-03 at 7.26.44 PM

Step 2: Click "Add" in the top right. The screen below will appear where you can enter all of the worker information

Screen Shot 2023-07-04 at 1.03.53 PM

Please note, if you are setting up your account for the first time and need to add all your employees, it may be easier and more efficient for you to use the import workers option.

Keep in mind that you must select a Role for each worker. A Role determines the workers permissions within the Corfix application. 

Here is breakdown of the 3 Default Roles (permission sets):

Admin: Admins can access everything within Corfix. This includes the Admin on the desktop and the Corfix app on their phone.

Supervisor: Supervisors only have access to the Corfix app. They can assign workers to Tasks, assign Forms to workers, view Worker Certifications and create Projects (if that setting is enabled in the Admin).

Workers: Workers only have access to the Corfix app. They can see the Forms and Tasks that are assigned to them, as well as view information on Projects.

Permission Sets are completely customizable! If you would like to edit/create your own Permission Sets follow this link to learn how! How to create my own Permission Sets