Corfix Product Release (October 2023) Webinar Q & A

This article answers all the questions that were asked in the October 4th 2023 webinar.

All of the questions have been documented and answered below! Thank you for your participation in the webinar! If you have further questions please reach out to support in the admin through the chat bubble or reach out to your CSM and they can help you!

Q: Downloading pictures does it just go to the download folder in the computer or do you get options where to put it?

A: It goes to your download folder! This goes for all downloads from Corfix on your computer.

Q: Will the "Other Contacts" now show when creating the project for the first time or will we still need to save and then go back in to edit and add them in?

A: You will still need to create the Other Contacts after you create the project.

Q: Is the auto-send form to external contact only available through the admin (to set up)? Can anything be set up from the mobile app onsite?

A: Yes, the auto-send form configuration is only available on the Admin.

Q: Can you attach a zip folder when adding a file through the Document Component on a form?

A: No, currently you can only upload PDFs to the Document Component. You would have to unzip the folder then attach the PDFs.

Q: Will the forms upload include the option to select a document that has been uploaded to the binder?

A: Not currently, we are starting with uploads from the phone and are investigating how we can further this feature!

Q: Is this document component for PDF's only? Is there a "catch all" form component so you don't need to use both the Document AND the Photo component?

A: Yes, the Document Component only allows for PDFs. If you are looking to upload JPEGs, or PNGs please make sure you have a Photo component in the template.

Q: Does "Daily" include weekends?

A: Daily currently does include weekends we are working on a quick fix for this a couple of weeks after this product release on October 7th to allow for you to exclude weekends. 

Q: For scheduled - Pre-site Inspection is required daily.  Do I need to pick each individual as a separate schedule?  or can all names be set up

A: Yes, you will need to create a schedule for each worker. There is going to be a duplicate button under Edit to allow for easier creation! The good thing about this feature is once you set it up once you are good to go!

Q: When will all these updates become available to use?

A: October 7th 2023!

Q: Will saving filter work on Web app?

A: This feature already exists in the web app for most parts. If you use the back buttons on the web browser it does save your filters in the previous page

Q: So can there be multiple GCs on our account so, a different GC on each project?

A: GC mode allows you to link project(s) from your Corfix account to your GCs Corfix account to streamline the sharing of forms! This feature is project-specific so you can have multiple GCs you are sharing forms with in your account just all linked up to different Projects!

Q: Is there a way to change job numbers on completed forms now?

A: Currently you will want to make sure that the project number is set up correctly when you first create the project so that the correct number shows on the form!

Q: Can we upload a PDF copy of a daily timecard for individual employee

A: You cannot upload a PDF copy of a daily timecard but you can now download a PDF copy of your workers timecards from Corfix with the new PDF exports!

Q: Can you select multiple workers for exporting pdf timecards, if so will they be on individual pdf?

A: Yes you can and yes they will have their own page in the export! The new PDF exports keeps each worker on their own page! This feature works in conjunction with new fields in the Export modal that allow you to choose to export all information or choose what Projects, Workers and/or Cost Codes you want to export.

Q: With the lunch selection option is it limited to only allow an employee to select the option one time throughout the day or would they be able to select yes every time an have the time deducted?

A: This all depends on how you configure your timekeeping settings please reach out to your CSM for help with this as they will be able to get you set up quickly!

Q: Can we add custom data fields to the Timecard Spreadsheet info? such as per diems? hotel stays?

A: This can be done through notes however there is no dedicated field for per diems or hotel stays.

Q: Are the hours still tied to the cost code or per the day?

A: Yes, the new features and changes allow for easier tracking for the workers in the field and in turn will give you better reporting on the admin side!

Q: Can we send timecard in PDF file to workers 

A: Yes, you can download a PDF for a worker and email it to them. Workers also have a summary of their hours on their Corfix mobile app on the timekeeping page.

Q: Can we prevent a worker from signing into a project if they are still punched into another project?
A: Yes, it is actually not possible for a worker to be punched into 2 different locations at the same time. 

Q: How far away is your asset management tool

A: Asset management and Scheduling are still top of mind for our team and we know lots of you are waiting for it! We are getting closer to this becoming a feature however I currently do not have a time for you.

Q: is there a way to fix the lunch time to say 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour for individuals. And for it to save.

A: Yes, you can change the time to what ever you like when configuring auto lunch for Timekeeeping. You can also use the Manual option which gives the worker an option to choose their lunch; 0,15,30,45,60.

Q: the general contractors have been asking for a pdf export for daily time cards with project specific information. This would include work done for the day, materials, weather etc.

A: Yes, by using the PDF Forms that are filled out in the field and the new Timekeeping PDF exports you can bundle this up by downloading the exports from their respective places in Corfix and send it off to your GC!

Q: What is available for health and safety... such as training?

A:I believe you are referring to certification training. We currently do not have a native training function in Corfix (It is on our radar!) so certifications will have to be recertified outside of Corfix. However, once a worker is recertified you can manage those certification within Corfix!