How can I create a QR Code for Binders?

This article will summarize how to create QR codes for Binders.

QR codes for Binders can be used to give access to workers who do not have Corfix on-site the ability to view all safety documentation required on-site by scanning the code with their phone. This is a great feature for General Contractors to incorporate as they can have a virtual safety board on site!

The QR Code created can only be scanned with the camera on the user's phone. If a worker attempts to scan the QR code through the Corfix app, it will not work.

Step 1: Select Binders in the menu.

Step 2: Select the "Generate QR Code.

Step 3:  Select the Resources you want to have displayed when the QR code is scanned, and push Save when you are done.

Step 4: Select "Generate QR Code" when done. You will now be able to save the link and/or the QR Code. Press the Save QR code to download the QR code so you can print it out.

Step 5: Place the QR code onsite so workers have access to the resources.