(Admin) How can I set up a sub-trade so that they can pick their company through the External Form portal?

This article will show you how you as a GC can set up your External Form portal so that sub trades can choose the company they work for when filling out forms.

Follow these steps to set this up:

A sub-trade needs to be set up as a group within your account. This way they can select their company from a dropdown when filling out external forms. This allows you to track and report on external completed forms.

Step 1: Click on "Workers" from the "Resources" dropdown in the left side menu and then click "Manage Groups" in the top right

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Step 2: Click "Add" in the top right to add a new group

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Step 3: Enter the sub-trade name as the group name and ensure that "External group" is toggled on

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Once you click "Save", this sub-trade will now show in the dropdown when filling out an external QR code form.