How do I set permissions to a Worker?

This article will summarize how to add a Worker to a Permission Set.

You can easily set Workers to Permissions Sets one of 2 ways.

1. Through the Workers profile.

2. Through the Permission Set.

All Workers must have Permission Set in order to use the app.

Workers Profile

1. In the Workers Tab, select the Worker you want to add to the Permission Set.

2. Then select the pencil button to edit the Worker.

3. Then select the dropdown for the Permission Sets, and select the Permission that should apply to this Worker.


Permission Set

1. Go to My Account Details and select View Permission Sets.

2. Select the Permission Set you want to put the Worker in.

3. Scroll to the bottom where and select the Add Workers button.

4.Finally select the Worker(s) that you want to add to this Permission Set and Save.