1. Corfix Guide
  2. Corfix Mobile Guide

How do I partially fill out a Form and finish it later?

This article will show how Save as Draft and Autosave works.

To have this capability the Template needs to be set up correctly. When you create a new Template, under Show Options, ensure that "Can be Saved as Draft" is toggled on.

Note that a form can only save as a Draft when you have "Filled by Creator" selected in the "Show Options" settings of the template.

Any Forms you create with a Template that has Save as Draft enabled will prompt you to save if you're exiting a Form without finishing it. As an extra precaution, Autosave will - you guessed it - automatically save the Form every few seconds in case you lose service or are otherwise disrupted.

If the option is not available for you to save a Form as a draft, please contact your company's Corfix administrator.

The steps below will outline how to save a Form as draft:

1. Select the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner and select "Dashboard"

2. Tap the plus button at the top right

3. Select "Create a Form"

4. Select the Project you are on and tap on Next

5. Next, select the template.

6. Start filling out the Form, once you start typing or selecting items, the Form will autosave. If you exit the Form it will save. 

Forms that are in Draft mode will show up in your Forms tab on the Corfix app.

7. Once you have filled the Form out, you can select the "Next" in the bottom right.

8. Add the Workers/External Signers, click "Next".

9. You will then get the review page, where you can also Save the Form as Draft, or Send for Signature.

Once a Form is sent for signature, you will not be able to edit your Form. At this point please contact your company's Corfix admin for assistance to edit Forms.