How can I send out a completed form to an external supervisor (Project basis)?

This article will show you how you can set up a Template to be auto emailed to an external party through a Project.

If you are looking at how you can have a completed form sent out to an internal worker to your Corfix account, please go here!

You can set up a contact to receive specific completed forms for that Project! This means that, when ever the specific template is filled out and signed off on by all signers the Form will auto email to the specified third party! This can save massive amount of time and get rid of any delays when it comes to handing over your safety forms to the correct individuals. Below are the instructions on how to set this up!


Step 1: Go to Projects.

Step 2: Select the Project you want to configure this workflow up for.

Step 3: Once in the Project, select the pencil button in the top right.

Step 4: Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and find the "Other Contacts" Press the + button to expand.

Step 5: Fill out the all fields. The most important ones are:

- First Name

- Last Name 

- Email Address

- Emailed Templates

Step 6: Select the template you want to have emailed out.

Step 7: Press Save and you are good to go! Make sure to let the external party know they will be receiving the form from Corfix now!