1. Corfix Guide
  2. Corfix Admins
  3. Timekeeping Exports/Integrations

How do I set up my Corfix account to prepare for the Jonas Enterprise Expanded export?

This article will summarize how to set up your account so you can export the Jonas Enterprise Expanded export.

Make sure that all of the fields below are the same between both Corfix and Jonas Enterprise. Failure to do so may result in an unsuccessful import to Jonas Enterprise.

Understanding the field mappings between Corfix and Jonas Enterprise.

Worker Mappings

Corfix Jonas Enterprise
Employee Number Employee Code

Project Mappings

Corfix Jonas Enterprise
Project Number Project number

Timecard Mappings

Corfix  Jonas Enteprise
Adjusted Start Time MM/DD/YYYY format
Hours timecard.hours
Overtime Hours timecard.overtimehours
Doubletime Hours timecard.doubletimehours
Cost Code Timecard's first rate cost code or falling back to the payrate's regular code

Company Mappings

Corfix Jonas Enterprise
Company Code Company Code
Cost Type GL Code (Pay Rate Regular Code will override, setting this in before exporting will act as the default)
Distribution Type Costing Code

Understanding Cost Code Hierarchy

When exporting the priority of what Cost Code is pulled into the export are as follows;

1. Rate Cost Code

2. Regular Pay Rate Code

Ready to export

To export you will want to follow the Path below;

Timekeeping>Export>Export Type (Jonas Enterprise Expanded)

Fill in the Fields as need that pop up in the Export window.

Push the Export button when you are ready and a download for the Jonas Enterprise Expanded will start. A .TXT file is exported.

If you have completed the above, congrats!🎉 Please  follow the link below for instruction on uploading to Jonas Enteprise.

How to upload into Jonas Entperprise.