1. Corfix Guide
  2. Corfix Admins
  3. Timekeeping Exports/Integrations

How do I upload the Jonas Enterprise Expanded file?

This article will show you how to upload Corfix Timekeeping data exports to Jonas Enterprise.

You must use the Jonas Enterprise Expanded Export Type.

Please refer to the Corfix Guide below to ensure you have the right fields mapped before proceeding with the steps below.

Setting up Corfix for Jonas Enterprise

Once you have the file here are the steps to import into Jonas Enterprise.

1. Log into your Jonas Enterise account and follow the path below.

2. Set up your Payroll in the pop up window

3. Once the pay period is set up, follow the path below.

5. In the pop up window Select the company and then select "Spreadsheet Uploa", under the "Select Entry Method" dropdown field.

6.  Select the exported file from Corfix.

7. Once uploaded, select the first row so Jonas knows where to start reading the file.

8. Select "OK"

9. Select the View button to view if there are any errors. If there are errors please have these cleared. WIthin the error file there will be explainations on what the error is, refer to the respective support based on the error message.

If you need support from Corfix, please send us the error file along with your support request.