What is a Case?

This article will summarize what a Case is in Corfix.

A Case is created within Corfix when a Form and Task are tied together. Whether that be through an;

  1. Automated Task
  2. Follow-up task that was manually created
  3. A Task that was assigned had a Resolution Form assigned to it.

Cases can be viewed in many different places within the Corfix admin;

  • Tasks Page

  • Form Detail Page

  • Task Details Page

They all get you to this screen below:

Cases are extremely useful when you have to pull a complete picture of a Corrective Action that was taken on a Ladder inspection failure for example. The example in the picture above when downloaded will give you the following;

1. The failed inspection form (PDF)

2. A copy of the Task(s) (PDF) with comments and Task data points.

2. Manifest CSV of the relations of the documents provided.


Cases can be used to show that you are following guidelines and are doing your due diligence and make it easy to find and export the information you need.