July 11, 2022 Corfix Product Update

This article will summarize all of the new features released July 11th 2022.

Corfix Updates

Custom Permission Sets

In addition to the three pre-existing employee roles (Admin, Supervisor, and Worker), you can now create custom Permission Sets. This will allow you to define new access levels that fall between Admin and Supervisor, or Supervisor and Worker, such as Foreman, Project Manager, and Owner. With 60 separate access options to toggle on or off, you can customize roles that better reflect your workforce. 

Click here to find out more about this feature in our Corfix Guide!

Mobile Admin

We’ve added some Admin capabilities to the mobile app, which you can choose to give employees access to through Permission Sets. This will create a Workers tab on your Corfix app, allowing you to view Worker information, Certifications, and add new Workers. You can also create Projects on the app now. The combination of these features will allow you to do more on the go! 

Click here to find out more about this feature in our Corfix Guide!

Bulk upload for Projects

You can now bulk import Projects! This feature will allow you to download a CSV. template where you can populate your Projects information and then import your Projects to Corfix all at once. Gone are the days of adding individual Projects! 

Click here to learn more about this feature in our Corfix Guide!

Template builder re-imagined

The Template builder has been simplified to remove tools and components that you don’t need and give you more capabilities. You can now drag and drop photo capture fields, as well as dropdown menus auto-populated with your Workers and Projects. We have also taken out the extras that are not needed, and made sure that all of the features that are most used are front and center. This streamlined Template builder will show you just how easy it is to create a whole Forms library.

Flagged Forms

You asked, we delivered! When building a Template you can now designate that certain answers to checklists, dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, surveys, and select boxes are flagged. The Forms page on Admin has an added column called Flag, and if a parameter you set up is met, the flag will appear in that column to alert you that action is required on that Form. We’ve used a five-colour system for flags so you can designate different urgency levels to different answers.

Click here to learn more about this feature in our Corfix Guide!

Corfix Guide

We have made it easier to find answers to your questions! With the introduction of our Corfix Guide you can now search for your own answers. (Don’t worry, we’re still here to help!) You can find the Corfix Guide on your Admin menu, and it will allow you to search a vast array of articles answering every question we’ve ever been asked about how to use Corfix! 

We encourage you to check it out and save this link for future use:


Filter for all Forms on a Project on Corfix app

Are you a site safety rep travelling from jobsite to jobsite and only using your phone? You can now view all Forms for the Project you are on. The mobile Project overview shows you all recent Forms and allows you to apply filters for all Forms. This will show all Forms for the Project so you can stay up to date with what has been completed.

Remove Worker from Form on Mobile

You can remove any workers or external signers from a Form even after it has been created and sent, so long as they have not yet signed the Form.

Click here to learn more about this feature in our Corfix Guide!

Project notes/Certifications external link

Project notes and Certifications can be emailed to external agents. This update makes us compatible with any default mail server on your device. An email is created with set text informing the recipient they’re receiving a url link to a Corfix project. Certifications can be sent out the same way, and the data will be compressed into a much smaller file, allowing for an entire company's worth of certifications to be emailed out in one.

Custom Header Addition

We have now added another header option for your completed Forms. The newest header, called “Option 3”, will populate a larger logo at the top. This logo works best if you have a long rectangle logo. If your logo is squared, we suggest choosing either Option 1 or 2.

Page breaks/ Page numbers 

You will now notice a change in the layout appearance of completed Forms. Page numbers will display in the bottom middle of each page, and page breaks have been optimized to create a more aesthetic Form view. 

Search by Project numbers in Tasks

Do you reference Project Numbers in your company a lot? For those who like this method of organization, you can now filter Tasks by Project number on the Admin or Corfix app . This can be done on the Admin and the Corfix app, making it easier to find what you are looking for. The Project number will also show up in front of the Project name. 

Compress final Forms (to 1/40th the size!)

Good things come in small packages! Forms now download to 1/40th of the size. This enhancement will help with emailing and minimizing the space that downloaded Forms take up!

Add Form button in Project overview on the Admin

You can now create a Form directly through a Project on the Admin. When in a Project overview, you can select the “Add” button beside Recent Forms to create a Form for that specific Project.


Time Keeping

New options for Time Card Export

We have now added more options for exporting your Time Cards! Along with the pre=existing default export, you can now export files formatted for:

  • Quickbooks 
  • Jonas Software

If you are using these softwares for accounting, these exports will make it as simple as exporting from Corfix and importing directly into either of the two above. Goodbye to long hours of manual input!

Click here to learn more about Jones export in our Corfix Guide!

Click here to learn more about QuickBooksⓇ export in our Corfix Guide!

Lunch taken field in Time Card

Time Cards users will now get a dropdown field with options 0,15,30,45,60 where they can select the amount of time they spent on lunch. This will automatically subtract from their total time. 

Click here to learn more about this feature in our Corfix Guide!

Opt-out of lunch setting

For those using the “Auto Remove Lunch” Time Keeping function, we have added the ability for workers to opt-out of lunch. Once this is activated in the Admin, workers will be asked when punching out for the day if they took lunch or not. This will make sure that hours are accurately tracked.

Click here to learn more about this feature in our Corfix Guide!

Flag when no lunch is taken

We’ve included the option of flagging when workers use the opt-out of lunch function described above, so you can review instances of lunch not being taken and ensure the ability is used appropriately.

Click here to learn more about this feature in our Corfix Guide!

Flag Time Cards outside of Project Distance (Punch Out)

You can now set up Punch Clock to flag when a worker punches out while outside of the set Project radius. 

Click here to learn more about this feature in our Corfix Guide!


Outstanding issues resolved by this update

  • iPad resource size bug.
  • Round times not saving
  • Time card duplication
  • Signers are optional when in draft mode
  • Filled by signer bug on Admin
  • Duplicate Projects when created on mobile
  • Time Card export bug 
  • Project/Worker columns in Time Card overview sorting properly