May 8, 2023 Corfix Product Update

This article will summarize the Corfix Product Update for May 8, 2023.

Notification Configurations

Can now configure how you receive notifications and for what. With the update, Email, Mobile-Push and In App notifications are supported. This can be configured from the My Account Details section on the admin or mobile app. Each type of notification can be configured individually. Notifications can now be received via email with links that will redirect to the app or web admin.

Click here to find out more about this in our Corfix Guide!


External Signing Portal

External signers can now sign through an external portal via a link they receive in an email. By including an email address when adding an external signer they will automatically receive this email. Additionally they will receive a copy of the completed form. This can also be used in conjunction with the notification configuration allowing non external signers to receive a link to sign their forms using the external portal as well.

Click here to find out more about this in our Corfix Guide!


Tracking While Punched In

You can now enable tracking while a user is punched in. This will make note of the workers location throughout the day and can be viewed in the timecard details to see where the worker was during their shift.

Click here to find out more about this in our Corfix Guide!


Individual Form Sharing

Sub Trades now need to manually send forms to the General Contractor. This is done via an action in the form details section. It is no longer automatic. Additionally all historic forms will need to manually be shared. Sharing is also irreversible.

Click here to find out more about this in our Corfix Guide!


Report Table Filtering

You now have the ability to filter each column of the table directly and interactively. These filters are not saved but are preserved when navigating back to the page via the back button.

Click here to find out more about this in our Corfix Guide!


Form Table Filter by Group Changes

Now when filtering by group only forms that match a project, template and worker from the group will be displayed. If there are no templates, projects or workers in a group this is ignored for that specific item.


Form Report Filter by Group

You can now filter form reports by their group. This takes into account the forms filled by account, project and template.

Screen Shot 2023-05-07 at 10.19.43 AM

Show Nearby Projects During Bulk Punch (Mobile)

You can now see any projects that are nearby when you bulk punch-in.



Timekeeping Exports


Click here to find out more about this in our Corfix Guide!

Jonas Construction Enterprise

Click here to find out more about this in our Corfix Guide!


Outstanding issues resolved by this update

  • Deny users the ability to sign a draft form (Admin)
  • Fix worker’s table page being reset on action
  • Fix timecard being punched out when modifying during the day
  • Fix punch location incorrect (can’t punch in)
  • Fix blocked workers showing on certification report