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Corfix Admins
Here you can find all the answers to your questions for the Corfix Admin.
How do I create a form?(ADMIN)
December 30, 2023 Corfix Product Update
How do I upload a Certification?
How can I reactivate a Worker that is hired back?
Dashboard Introduction
Onboarding checklist
How do I display Reports on my Dashboard?
How do I access the live chat?
How do I set up Asset types?
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How do I delete a Project?
How do I add or edit contact roles in a project?
Where can I view project tasks?
What if I don't have an address for my project?
How do I add the nearest hospital information to a project?
How do I add a project?
How do I change the status of a project?
How do I add/remove Other Contacts in a Project?
Where can I view Prime Contractor contact information?
Where can I view recent forms attached to a project?
How do I add/remove contacts in a Project?
Where can I view project notes?
Where can I view all my projects?
I have a lot of projects, how do I bulk import them?
What do the coloured pins mean on the Projects map?
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How do I delete a worker?
How do I activate workers?
Where can I find my workers details?
How do I add a worker?
How do I set up Worker Groups?
How do I import workers?
How do I suspend a worker?
Where can I locate a PIN through Admin?
How do I find workers?
My Worker is stuck in pending email verification, how do I reset them?
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How do I copy a previous form? (Admin)
How do I create an internal QR code?
Where can I view form details?
Where can I find a PDF view of a Form?
How do I download a form?
How can I complete a Form if one of my employees cannot sign it?
Where can I view workers on a form?
How can I add/remove workers on a form after it has been created?
How do I delete a form?
How do I filter for Flagged Forms?
How do I create an external QR code?
How do I get someone to sign a form through the External Signing Portal?
How do I share forms with a General Contractor on Corfix?
How to connect your accounts through GC Mode.
How can I share/update a form to a GC through the admin?
When are notifications sent out for Scheduled Forms?
(Admin) How can I set up a Form to be sent to an External Contractor?
(Mobile) How can I share a Form with a GC from the Corfix mobile app?
(Admin) How can I set up a sub-trade so that they can pick their company through the External Form portal?
(Admin) How do I download pictures from Corfix?
(Admin) How do I set up Scheduled Forms?
How can I send out a completed form to an external supervisor (Project basis)?
How do I sign a Form/add myself as a signer to a Form from Admin?
How do I edit an existing form?
How do I bulk delete Forms?
How to add a signer to an existing form?
Can I create a QR code for external signers to view and sign a form?
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Can I auto-email a form when it is completed?
What is the difference between a Template and a Form?
Where can I view my Templates?
How can I create a Template?
How do I make a copy of a template?
Where can I view a PDF version of a Template?
How do I quickly find a template?
How do I archive a template?
How do I delete a template?
How do I flag template components (to provide a high level view of what needs to be actioned?)
How do I correctly make changes to an active template?
How do I set up a Review process for my forms?
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Where can I find all tasks?
How do I quickly find specific tasks?
How do I complete a task?
How do I create a Task?
Where can I view Sub Tasks that are connected to a form?
How can I add Sub Tasks to a Form (Admin)?
I didn’t complete the Task that was assigned to me, yet its status is "Complete". Why?
What is a Resolution Form?
My completed Tasks aren't showing up in my Tasks overview. Why is this?
What is a Case?
How do I manage Automated Tasks?
How can I create Task Types?
Can I create individual tasks for a group of workers?
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What is a Pending Certification?
How to filter for workers certifications
Where can I view all worker certifications?
How do I download all of the certifications held by a specific worker(s)?
How do I download all of the certifications for the entire company?
How do I set up notifications for certifications that are expiring soon?
How do I view all certification types?
How easy is it to manage all worker certifications?
(Admin) How can I export certifications to a PDF?
How do I add additional information to a workers Certification?
How do I delete a Certification type?
How can I set up automated actions?
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How do I download my Binders/Resources?
How do I hide Binders from workers?
How do I add Binders?
How do I delete Binders/Resources?
How do I set up the Google Sheet integration?
What is a child binder?
Where can I find my binders?
What is a parent binder?
What are binders used for?
How do I add a binder to a project?
How do I add documents to a Binder?
(Admin) How can I get my workers to sign PDFs in Binders?
How can I create a QR Code for Binders?
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How do I create a Report?
How do I edit the name of a Report?
Where can I find my Reports?
Where can I best view my Reports?
How do I edit the graph type in a Report?
How do I edit the Table Data display in a Report?
How do I delete a Report?
Why do I already have Reports in my profile?
How do I copy a Report?
How do I export data from a Report?
How do I resize the Reports on my dashboard?
How can I filter the information in a report table?
Can I report on a Template field?
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What is the difference between a Fixed Cost Code and a Rate Cost Code?
How do I bulk approve time cards?
How do I see what changes have been made to a time card?
Why are my workers not showing up to select for a time card?
Can I create scheduled hours?
How do I set up Punch Clock?
How do I set up Time Cards?
How do I set reminders for my workers to punch out?
How does lunch get taken off workers time cards?
What are flagged time cards?
How do I set up my timekeeping so workers can switch jobs through the day?
How do I make sure my workers are on site when they are punching in?
Can I be notified when a worker punches out of work off-site?
Can I get a drop down for lunch on the Corfix app for Time Cards?
How do I export all my time cards for payroll?
How do I approve a time card?
How do I set up time card approval?
How do I exempt projects from the geofence?
Can I change the punch-in/punch-out times for a workers time card?
Can the total time automatically calculate after I edit a worker's hours?
How do I set up my pay period?
How do I round punch-in and punch-out times?
How do I make notes mandatory for a time card?
How do I make cost codes mandatory for a time card?
How do I track workers while they are punched-in?
Why are my worker's Timecards being set to zero even though they worked all day?
Can I set up my Workers to be auto punched out at a specific hour?
Rate Cost Code vs Fixed Cost Code - What is the difference?
(Admin) Where can I review Timecards with Cost Codes?
(Admin) I want to only export specific projects and/or workers timecards.
(Admin) How do I configure my timekeeping settings to allow workers to punch-in and out of cost codes?
(Admin) Can I export my Timecards to a PDF?
(Admin) Where can I view totals on the Timekeeping table?
How do I set up new pay rates?
What are Cost Codes used for?
How can I force workers to complete their forms before punching in/out for the day?
How can I set up a required picture when punching in/out?
How to import into SAGE 300 Construction and Real Estate (CRE)
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My Account Details
How do I change the way document numbers are assigned?
How do I change where my logo is on completed forms?
How do I translate my Corfix account to a different language?
How do I turn off the IP address on signatures?
How do I edit my Company Details?
Where can I find my account details?
How do I edit my account details?
How can I add my logo?
How do I make a PIN required for Kiosk mode?
How long until I can no longer add a signer to a completed form?
How do I create a Role?
How do I set permissions to a Worker?
How do I configure my notification settings?
How does the license tracking work?
Understanding Roles and Permissions.
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What is Kiosk Mode?
AuditSoft integration with Corfix
How can I force my workers to use the hand signature?
Scheduling Overview
Scheduling Notifications
Timekeeping Exports/Integrations
How do I set up my Corfix account for the Quickbooks Desktop (QBD) export?
How do I export from Corfix and import into Quickbooks desktop(QBD)?
How do I integrate Corfix with Quickbooks Online (QBO)?
How do I export timecards to Maestro?
(Admin) How do I get an ADP Timecard export?
How do I set up my Corfix account to prepare for the Jonas Enterprise Expanded export?
How do I upload the Jonas Enterprise Expanded file?
How do I export timecards to Jonas Construction Enterprise?
How do I export time cards for Jonas Premier?
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